A work Grounded in evidence-informed practices
While we aim to humanize relationships and foster community healing, being data-driven allows us to capture the depth of these changes, refine our strategies, and ensure that our efforts lead to real, lasting transformation.
Solomon Middleton-Williams, Board Chairperson

Promoting Trauma Awareness & Resiliency
Phase #1 of the program invites participants to attend separate workshops which provide education about the impact of interpersonal and systemic trauma; helping them become trauma-informed and tap into their resiliency.
This program goal not only prepares participants to engage with each other in Phase #2 but also empowers them to interact with their families and neighbors in a healing-centered way.
Improving Interpersonal Perceptions
In order to ultimately achieve Social Cohesion within the community at large, these two groups of community members must humanize each other by shifting their perceptions of each other.
Phase #2 drives this program goal as participants engage in transformative dialogue with each other and begin to build empathy, safety and trustworthiness through respectful communication.
They also attend a Team Building Day Trip where they engage in activities that require collaborative problem solving skills; giving them an opportunity to bond as community members.
Cultivating Social Cohesion
Phase #3 (public demonstration) and Phase #4 (working group) drives this program goal.
Social cohesion describes how residents think and feel about their neighborhood:
Do people get along with their neighbors?
Can they count on each other's help when there is a problem?
Do they celebrate residents’ differences?
Do they feel connected to the neighborhood or each other?
Do they think their children are being taught well in school?
Do they feel safe?
Do they work towards the common good, as one?
Residents' care and concern for each other's welfare provides the social glue that holds a community together.